Men’s Pec Augmentation
More and more men are choosing ways to improve their appearance, such as those who opt for pec augmentation and/or pectoral implants. In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, pectoral implant surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the male chest region and present a more masculine physique.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Humberto Palladino treats men of all ages, from young to middle age or older. Just as women can opt for breast augmentation to improve the shape and size of their breasts, men can get better definition with a pectoral augmentation and possibly through pec implants, if needed.
We understand that no matter how much you train at the gym, exercise or eat the proper diet, genetics plays a big role in the final results. If your chest still doesn’t look defined or athletic after you have followed this regimen, then perhaps it is time to weigh other options. We are one of the most trusted plastic surgery centers in the entire South Florida area and have a prestigious plastic surgeon who will get the job done right.
The Procedure – What to Expect
The Difference between Breast Augmentation and Pec Augmentation
Because men and women differ greatly in the texture of their chest area, the implants used to enhance their chests differ as well. The silicone implants used in women are designed to be much softer than those in male pectoral implant surgery. Men’s pec implants are smooth, flexible and robust. They do not contain silicone and therefore the probability of any leaking is nil. Men’s pectoral implants are virtually break resistant and far less complicated than those used for the ladies.
Before you decide whether male breast augmentation is right for you, Dr. Humberto Palladino will give you a preview on a revolutionary imaging system. This unit serves as a great visual aid to help you see the end results. He will explain what you can expect for your pec augmentation ahead of time, so as to avoid any surprises or unsatisfactory results.
Preparing and Recovering for Pec Augmentation Surgery
You will most likely find your pec augmentation surgery to be less complicated than you would have imagined. Dr. Humberto Palladino is a local, board-certified plastic surgeon who serves South Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, North Palm Beach, and the surrounding areas. Pec augmentation and implants can be performed at our surgery center. It typically only takes a few hours of your time. Of course, you should bring someone to help you, since there will be anesthesia administered and you may be quite sore right after the procedure is done. You will certainly be too groggy to drive and you should rest after pec augmentation surgery.
Some people combine pec augmentation with other procedures, such as tummy tuck or liposuction. In these cases, more time in the surgery and recovery room will be needed. Do not eat, drink, shave or use any lotions on the evening before and on the day of your surgery. Anesthesia can only be administered on an empty stomach because of the potential to be sick while you are sleeping, which is dangerous. It’s best to just avoid eating altogether.
You should also stay out of the direct sun, tanning booths and UV rays for at least six weeks after pec augmentation. Everybody heals differently, but taking proper care of your skin and your body is very important to get the most out of your results. Dr. Palladino can answer any of your questions during the consultation.
You can expect your pec augmentation to cost anywhere between $4,000 and $5,800, depending on whether you will combine the pec augmentation with other plastic surgery procedures or choose to use pec implants. Again, everyone is different. Ask Dr. Palladino any questions you like and choose the right fit for your body style, budget and desired end results!
Learn More About Men’s Pec Augmentation
Dr. Humberto Palladino is a board-certified, award winning plastic surgeon. He is known as one of the best in his field. If you have any questions about pec augmentation or pec implants, feel free to ask. You will never be judged and we welcome all of your questions. Our goal is to give you the body you want with the very best cosmetic surgeon around!
Come for a consultation by calling 866-624-7874. Let us address your pec augmentation and help you regain your self-esteem today!
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3500 Powerline Rd
Oakland Park, FL 33309