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You Might Need a Neck Lift if…

Posted December 15, 2016 in Neck Lift Surgery

Father Time doesn’t play favorites, and no one is immune to aging. Over time, everyone will observe signs of aging in themselves, such as crow’s feet wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of skin volume. One of the areas of the body that ages more quickly than others is the neck. Dr. Palladino can rejuvenate the neck by performing neck lift surgery for individuals with the following signs of neck aging.

Before and After Neck Lift SurgeryYou Have Sagging Skin Under Your Chin

The skin beneath your chin may begin to sag over time due to lost skin elasticity. This can also worsen with weight gain, as pockets of fat pull the skin down further. The neck lift procedure can tighten the skin so that your neckline looks more youthful and attractive.

You Lack Definition Along Your Jawline

Fatty jowls are caused by skin sagging and displaced fat. As the facial tissues sag, the jawline loses definition, causing the neck and face to blend together. Neck lift surgery improves jawline definition by eliminating fatty jowls and restoring the lines that distinctly separate the face and neck.

You Have Excess Neck Fat

A double chin and excess neck fat can make you look older and less attractive. Liposuction with neck lift surgery can help by removing unwanted neck fat so that the neck appears more youthfully slender.

You Have Neck Muscle Bands

A “turkey neck” appearance develops when the muscle bands of the neck become prominent. The platysma muscle may sag away from the face and create the appearance of the dreaded turkey wattle, complete with one or more vertical neck bands. A neck lift can eliminate this issue and soften the lines of the neck so that it appears youthful and defined.

You Have Deep Neck Creases or Wrinkles

Wrinkles and creases are natural results of aging as the skin loses volume and elasticity. The neck can form deep creases due to skin damage caused by aging or sun exposure. Neck lift surgery tightens the neck tissues to eliminate wrinkles and create a smoother neckline.

There’s a reason for the 17 percent increase in the rate of neck lifts between 2014 and 2015, as more surgical techniques have become available and more individuals are realizing the anti-aging benefits of neck lift surgery. If you have one of the above concerns about your neck, you might need a neck lift. To learn more about the benefits of this procedure, schedule your personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Humberto Palladino. Call (866) 624-7874 or complete our online contact form to book your consultation today.

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