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How to Tone Weak and Flabby Upper Arms

Posted February 08, 2018 in Brachioplasty

Woman testing the flabby muscle under her arm pulling it down with her hand as she checks for muscle tone or weight gainThe upper arms are one of the most susceptible areas on our bodies to have loose, sagging skin, and excess fat deposits. The arms are often tough to tone, especially as you age, which may leave you feeling a little self-conscious about their appearance. If you feel as though you constantly have to cover your arms up with baggy clothing, or you have difficulty finding clothes that fit, finding a way to tone your jiggle might be a solution for what you desire.

Common At-Home Ways to Tone

When it comes to your arms, weight fluctuations, age, and heredity all play a role. Most arm exercise routines combine traditional arm exercises, such as push-ups or planks, with strength training exercises like bicep curls, shoulder presses, and tricep kickbacks that use five to 10-pound dumbbell weights. These exercises work to tone both the triceps and the biceps to leave you looking leaner, stronger, and more toned.

When Exercising Isn’t Enough

Sometimes even a consistent exercise routine isn’t enough to achieve the tone and definition you desire. If this is the case, arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, may be right for you. Arm lift surgery can remove excess skin, pockets of fat, and tighten underlying muscles to give you a leaner, more sculpted contour. This procedure is ideal for those who have a moderate amount of skin laxity since this loose and sagging skin will prevent them from achieving a fully toned appearance. Recovery is relatively short, most patients return to their daily routines within two weeks, and your results will be long lasting. Forget the need to hide under thick sweaters, and regain your confidence to show off your sculpted arms.

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