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Tis’ the Season for a Holiday Facelift

Posted November 12, 2014 in Facelift, Neck Lift Surgery

You may be thinking that it is too early to think about the holiday season, but not if you are considering a facelift! This year, give yourself an early gift by coming in to see Dr. Humberto Palladino.

If you dread the thought of being in family photos this holiday season and would rather hide behind a stack of presents, then you might be a great candidate for a facelift!

Why should I consider getting a facelift in early fall?

Depending on which type of facelift procedure you choose, it does take time to heal from a facelift. Although there is one “weekend facelift” even this may have swelling or bruising for a couple of weeks after the procedure. It is inevitable that in order to look your best, part of that requires adequate healing and restoration.

Holidays are one of the busiest times of year for plastic surgeons, so by beating the other patients to the punch, we will have more openings available to you. It is similar to finding the best seat on an airplane, those who book early get the best fares and the best seats!

What type of facelift is best for me?

The possibilities are abundant. With new technologies available, there are many great techniques that Dr. Palladino can use to present your best self. It totally depends on what you want to do, whether you just want to tighten the skin elasticity, remove fine lines and wrinkles, aging or sun spots, or even more. Some facelift procedures can be combined together.

Here are several different types you can choose from:

  • Neck lift: Just in time for Thanksgiving, you can get rid of that Turkey neck and have it tightened, smooth and looking years younger!
  • Weekend facelift: If you want to heal quickly, this facelift targets the jaw line and cheeks, while rejuvenating your entire face and profile.
  • Forehead lift: Do you have lines in your forehead that make you look older? This temporal facelift smoothes wrinkles and reduces under eye sagging, deep crevices and other lines from repeated expressions.
  • Mid or Full facelift: If you want to “go all out” and truly transform the appearance of your face, we have a number of different facelift techniques that can target specific areas of your face, or all of them!

Come talk to us about your holiday plans, and let us see if a facelift is in your future. We can give you a live preview through our marvelous 3D Vectra Imaging System to see if getting a facelift is right for you. Happy Holiday planning!

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