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Prepare for Your Facelift Surgery

Posted September 12, 2018 in Facelift

Facelift surgery is a wonderful option for those wanting to combat the effects of aging, lifestyle, and sun damage from the bright Miami summers. Whether you are looking for moderate to severe correction of fine lines, wrinkles, jowls, or sagging skin, either traditional facelift or a limited-incision facelift can enhance facial definition and contour and provide a more youthful and refreshed complexion. While there is not much required before your surgery date, all preparations made beforehand will aid in your recovery and even contribute to the quality of your results.

Beautiful Woman with Long Blonde Hair and Fresh Skin touching her Hand Her Face

Step up Your Diet

Eating a healthy, nutritious diet before and after your facelift can significantly benefit the ease of your recovery and the quality of your results. Increasing your protein intake, in ways such as fish, poultry, beans, and legumes, will help to build new tissue and blood vessels beforehand and repair injured tissue afterward when your body is trying to heal the wound and damage caused by the facelift. Supplements such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc, and copper should also be introduced or increased in your diet both before and after the surgery as they help in wound healing and building the immune system.

In addition to food, make sure that you increase your intake of water. Staying well-hydrated is not only vital to the health of your body and internal organs but your skin health as well. You will feel more rejuvenated and refreshed, your skin will glow, and you will find your recovery to be eased.

Stop Smoking

Smoking must be avoided for at least two weeks before and two weeks after your facelift. Smoking alters blood flow by supplying less oxygen to the body’s cells. This negatively affects wound healing and increases your chances of complications both during the procedure and during your recovery. Smoking is not the only blood thinner that should be avoided. Medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood thinners should not be taken immediately before or following your facelift.

Fill All Prescriptions

Facelift surgery is an invasive procedure performed under anesthesia. Following this surgery, you will likely desire pain medication to help remedy any discomfort. The prescription for this medication is provided before your surgery date and should be filled before then. There is no reason to sit around a pharmacy when you are already discomforted by your procedure when you could have already filled it.

Set up a Recovery Zone

Recovery after your facelift surgery involves rest, rest, and more rest. Be sure to establish a comfortable recovery zone before your surgery date. This area should be a stress-free retreat with plenty of pillows, entertainment, and easy access to anything you may need. Be sure to establish help for the initial days (to drive you home from the procedure, stay with you for the first night, and help with household chores). The typical recovery time for facelift surgery is 10 to 14 days. These days should not be filled with any strenuous activity or chores. Your facelift recovery period is a time for you to rest, regenerate, and give a little time to yourself. Your improvement will continue throughout the first year.


Your position during recovery for head and neck procedures is extremely important. You should keep your head elevated over the level of your heart at all times. Some patients prefer to sleep on recliners or using several pillows. This will ensure that your swelling and bruising resolves faster.

For more information about traditional facelift or limited-incision facelift surgery, contact Dr. Humberto Palladino today by calling (866) 624-7874 to set up a consultation.

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