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Open or Closed Rhinoplasty: What is the Difference?

Posted December 03, 2014 in Rhinoplasty

Most people know what a nose job is, but some do not know the proper term for it is rhinoplasty surgery. Once they start to study the different types of nose job procedures, the next question is; “What is the difference between an open or closed rhinoplasty?”

In simple medical terms, the difference is merely the type of incision used by the plastic surgeon to achieve the desired look for a patient. In layman’s terms, they are categorized by either an open or closed rhinoplasty.

Here is a simple explanation of open or closed rhinoplasty:

Open rhinoplasty: During open rhinoplasty, Dr. Palladino views the inner structure of the nose most accurately, but it is a more complex surgery. The incision is made to the external columnella, however due to the need for more precision; the healing may take longer, while the results are more long lasting. In complicated rhinoplasty surgeries, such as those done for ethnic rhinoplasty or for restructuring of broken noses, this is a technique often used to achieve the most desirable results. The plastic surgeon will carefully reposition the nasal skin, but lymphatic drainage will be rechanneled. Therefore, most patients who go through open rhinoplasty will require extra weeks or months of healing over those who opt for closed rhinoplasty.

Closed rhinoplasty: With closed rhinoplasty, Dr. Palladino makes several miniscule incisions along the interior of the nostrils; however this does not require going inside the nose. The incisions may seem identical with the exception of an incision along the columnella. In this case, scarring is nearly nonexistent and the healing time is shorter. Closed rhinoplasty is not suitable for everyone, depending on how complex the nose job will entail. Minor alterations are often most compatible with closed rhinoplasty.

Which is Best – Open or Closed Rhinoplasty?

There is no easy answer to which type of technique is best between closed or open rhinoplasty, because it largely depends upon the individual. Dr. Humberto Palladino invites patients to come in and talk to him about their preferences and to ask questions about getting a nose job before making a decision.

If a person’s nose is seriously deformed or damaged due to an injury, then an open rhinoplasty might be best. However, if a person simply wants to make a couple of minor adjustments for cosmetic reasons, then sometimes a closed rhinoplasty will suffice. It is better to leave the decision of whether to go through with an open or closed rhinoplasty up to the surgeon. He can also show you the results through a unique, 3D Vectra Imaging System and this will give you a very precise preview of what your nose job will look like after it heals.

Consult with the MagicSurgeon team to answer all of your rhinoplasty questions, and when you are ready, feel free to call to set up a consultation. Call us today at (866) 624-7874.

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