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Boob Jobs for Men Are Becoming a Popular Trend!

Posted June 05, 2014 in Male Breast Reduction Surgery, Male Plastic Surgery

For those of you who remember the Seinfeld episodes about “Manziers”, which were an idea for bras for men, the entire episode was based on men who have “man boobs”. Although this may have been funny at the time, men who have too much estrogen or hormones can truly develop breasts that look more like female breasts than the typical “chest” physique that men desire.

Gynecomastia: Am I a Good Candidate?

Men in South Florida or anywhere throughout the US can have issues with too much fatty tissue around the breast area. These problems can stem from being overweight, genetic makeup, too many hormones or estrogen. This can result in a poor self-image, lack of confidence and insecurities about removing a shirt in public places like the beach or pool. Men who suffer from this condition of male breasts can seek the services of a reputable plastic surgeon for gynecomastia, which is a fancy term for breast reduction for men. Dr. Humberto Palladino uses modern techniques to tighten the area of a man’s chest, as well as sucking out the unwanted cellulite around the breast area to give the male patient a more appealing physique.

Men who are good candidates for this type of procedure are often those whose condition has worsened as they get older, therefore self-esteem plummets and subsequent consequences can impact a man’s relationships, career, and personal life. If you are a man who feels like you have to hide under baggy shirts to avoid being seen, then you might be a great candidate to seek professional gynecomastia surgery. Male breast reduction is nothing to laugh about, as many men can attest to.

The number of men getting breast reduction surgery has increased dramatically over the past five years, with an increase of nearly 3,000%. Yes, that is a lot more men than ever! The average cost across the country is approximately $3,196, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. That number does vary by state, region and even the ages of men who undergo male breast reduction surgeries. Other factors include anesthesia costs, facility or hospital fees, tests, the surgeon’s fee, medications, post-surgery garments or devices, and more.

If you are considering gynecomastia in South Florida, then schedule a consultation with Dr. Humberto Palladino to find out if male breast reduction is the best solution for you.

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