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How to Treat Gynecomastia

Posted June 26, 2017 in Liposculpture, Liposuction, Male Breast Reduction Surgery, Male Plastic Surgery, Masculine Chest,  Fat Grafting of the Chest 

Palladino Male Breast Reduction Patient Before and After photosIn today’s world, physical appearance is incredibly important. Our culture is obsessed with fitness, fashion, and looking top-notch at all times. Unfortunately for some of us, our bodies are our own worst enemies. If gynecomastia is preventing you from achieving your aesthetic goals, get treatment by undergoing gynecomastia surgery with MagicSurgeon Dr. Humberto Palladino.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the feminization of male breasts. The textbook definition of gynecomastia refers only to those cases where men have overdeveloped breast growth. However, many men have excess fat in the chest region that also creates the appearance of female-like breasts. Gynecomastia causes no physical harm, but it can cause psychological discomfort and is often troubling, embarrassing, and anxiety-inducing. Men with gynecomastia may have reduced self-confidence and feel uncomfortable with their bodies, which can influence the way they interact with the world and people around them.

Treatments for Gynecomastia

The right treatment for gynecomastia depends on the cause and nature of the condition. A man whose gynecomastia is mild and consists of only fat will require a different treatment plan than a man whose gynecomastia is severe and consists of excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin.

MagicSurgeon Dr. Palladino can help you determine the cause of your gynecomastia and establish a treatment plan for you. The treatment of gynecomastia is known as breast reduction for males and consists of the removal of the enlarged mammary gland and liposuction of the chest wall. As an adjunct to these treatments, fat grafting can be added to the center of the chest to further transform the configuration of the chest to a more masculine appearance.


Liposuction for gynecomastia can get rid of excess fat in the chest region to transform the appearance of female-like breasts. MagicSurgeon will make small, inconspicuous incisions in the chest area and insert a liposuction cannula. He will then suction the excess fat from the chest through the cannula. This will eliminate the appearance of a female breast shape and improve the contour of the chest, making it more masculine and athletic.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery can eliminate excess fat, glandular tissue, and even skin from the breast area. First, liposuction is performed as described above to minimize the amount of fat on the chest. Then, a small incision is made beneath the areola, and excess breast tissue is extracted. If your gynecomastia is severe, MagicSurgeon may place additional small incisions, and remove more breast tissue as well as excess skin. Finally, the chest is pulled taut, and the areola is relocated higher up to create a flatter, more masculine, and more attractive chest contour.

Fat Grafting of the Chest

Fat grafting is a way to recycle the fat that has been removed by means of liposuction to redistribute the volume of the chest, transferring the fat from the area of the nipple-areolar complex to the top-center portion of the chest. This way your chest contour will reshape into a more attractive athletic contour you can be proud of.

MagicSurgeon Dr. Palladino can enhance your appearance by treating your gynecomastia to give you a more masculine, defined, and firm chest. To schedule your consultation, call (866) 624-7874 or request your appointment time online today.

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