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How Does Lifestyle Impact Your Implant Choices?

Posted June 14, 2018 in Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation through implants is a procedure that many women jump at the chance to have, and that’s what makes it the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery year after year. Women who undergo breast augmentation through implants, no matter their age or stage of life, have one thing in common: They want to enhance the size and shape of their breasts for something more voluptuous and curvy. Any woman starting out on this journey will quickly realize that the initial decision for augmentation was actually the easiest one. But after that decision is made, the specifics of the augmentation must be chosen. Implant size, implant type, implant texture, implant placement, and even incision location are all decisions that you will have to make along with your doctor, if you decide to undergo this procedure. And that being said, not all implants are best suited for all body types and lifestyles.

Image To Illustrate Breast Enlargement Surgery

What Is Your Body Frame?

Women who seek out breast augmentation want to enhance their size, and a significant amount of these women wish to do so substantially. While this can easily be done, it’s always good to keep in mind the size of your frame. Do you have a petite frame that large implants may overwhelm? Do you have broader shoulders that can more easily carry overly large implants? Much like natural breast tissue, breast implants add a certain amount of weight to your chest, and its weight that you will need to adjust to. For women with smaller frames, this adjustment can feel more noticeable. In addition to the added weight, keeping the rest of your body in mind is helpful when imagining your future clothing choices. Many women are excited about the clothes and bikinis they’ll now be able to wear, and how you will look in specific clothing should impact your final decision.

Are You an “Active” Person?

Even the most hardcore of athletes can find significant joy in breast implants. Breast augmentation doesn’t hinder your ability to exercise or play sports; however, specific implant choices may be better suited for your lifestyle. For instance, a woman who vigorously exercises several days a week may be better suited for a smaller implant size made out of silicone (since large implants may impede a woman’s range of movement). Although active women can have successful results with saline implants, saline may be more prone to rippling in heavily active women. On the other hand, if your idea of exercise is taking your kids to the park every couple of days, then your implant choices are far more varied. All you have to ask yourself is: What “look” do you desire, and do you think you’ll still want that look five years from now? As soon as you come to that answer, you’re ready to schedule your appointment.

Breast augmentation can significantly enhance a woman’s quality of life through the improved confidence that larger breasts bring, and patients are more than pleased with their results year after year. By planning and thinking ahead, you are several steps closer to ensuring your ideal results. If you are interested in breast augmentation, contact Dr. Palladino today by calling (866) 624-7874 to set up a consultation.

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