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Get Washboard Abs Without a Gym Membership

Posted March 12, 2018 in Liposculpting

Muscular young man in black tank-top showing absHaving washboard abs is a goal for many men. The desire for abs is what motivates them to show up to the gym every morning or after work and lift weights or do cardio. However, even with dedication and a lot of sweat, that six pack is easier said than done. And for some men, no amount of hard work will get them the results they want. If that sounds familiar, then cosmetic surgery may be the best option for you in addition to diet and exercise. While there are many different cosmetic procedures available that reveal a trimmer and fitter midsection, not all of them result in the appearance of “washboard abs.” To achieve those results, etching liposculpting is the answer.

Different Than Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction has been used for years to remove stubborn pockets of diet and exercise-resistant fat in the stomach and “love handle” area. Liposuction reveals a smoother, flatter abdomen by creating small incisions through which the fat cells are removed with a cannula. While traditional liposuction will provide desirable results, it cannot completely contour and shape the abdomen in the way that etching liposculpting can. Etching liposculpting is a combination of liposuction and fat grafting that focuses on removing the fat between the abdominal muscles. By removing this specific fat, your surgeon can create and enhance the appearance of a six-pack.

No Need for a Personal Trainer

While you could spend hours with a personal trainer, faced with their constant demands, do you want to? Why not spend that time elsewhere, participating in activities you enjoy. Etching liposculpting allows you to reap the benefits of a masculine, sculpted, and contoured abdomen and chest without the dozens of repetitions.

Maintenance Is Still Required

If you think that etching liposculpting sounds too good to be true, it’s not; however, that doesn’t mean you can slack off afterward. While liposculpting can create the rippling effect of a six pack, you still need to maintain it. That means following a proper diet and regular exercise regimen. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, but additional weight gain is still possible. Etching liposculpting can put you on the right path, but it’s up to you to follow it.

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