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7 Startling Facts About Blepharoplasty

Posted January 07, 2015 in Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery in South Florida is becoming a popular trend. People who want to restore their appearance may find blepharoplasty to be just the secret to looking years younger.

As people age, the areas around the eyes are most prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles, known as crows feet. The undereye regions also can start to show aging, as skin elasticity might reveal sagging or bags under the eyes due to stress, fatigue and mental or physical wear from such tremendous strain.

However, many people fear that blepharoplasty might be painful, when in fact it has become a very simple and straightforward cosmetic procedure that yields numerous benefits. So while you weigh the pros and cons, read on to learn 7 surprising things about eyelid surgery!

7 Startling Facts About Eyelid Surgery

  1. You Don’t Have to Go Through Major Anesthesia. Surprising as it might seem, most eyelid surgeries can be done with a local anesthesia combined with mild sedation. It may only take an hour or two to perform the surgery, so only those people with high anxiety may need to opt for general anesthesia.
  2. It is for Both Men and Women. Women are predominately the main takers of plastic surgeries, accounting for as much as 75%. That number is changing. Over 28,000 males went through with eyelid surgery in 2013.
  3. It Can Be Done Quickly. Spending all day or night in the hospital for a blepharoplasty is not necessary. It can be done within an hour or two; in the comfort of our board-certified, plastic surgery facility. We have all of the latest equipment and highly skilled staff to assist Dr. Humberto Palladino with a very simple and straightforward eyelid surgery.
  4. Results Increase with Time. Of course after a couple of weeks, you will notice immediate results after eyelid surgery. However, the final results will continue settling for a long time thereafter, so it may take up to a year before you see the actual “final” results of blepharoplasty.
  5. Incisions are Invisible. The techniques that our award-winning plastic surgeon, Dr. Palladino uses, are so miniscule that they are barely detectable with the naked eye. He makes the incisions along natural creases of the eyelid or within the lid so that any scars are well camouflaged.
  6. It Can Be Combined With Other Procedures. If blepharoplasty is a good fit for you and you want to do it in conjunction with a facelift or another related procedure, this is something you can discuss with Dr. Palladino ahead of time.
  7. Blepharoplasty is #2 Most Popular Cosmetic Facelift Procedure. Nose jobs are number one, with eyelid surgery being the second most popular facial rejuvenation procedure, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

So there you have it! If you have any doubts or fears about getting eyelid surgery and you live in South Florida, come talk to Dr. Humberto Palladino. We can help to ease your fears and make you feel good about going through with blepharoplasty. Contact us today. Call us at (866) 624-7874.

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